Before the end of 1989, a political revolution took place in Bulgaria. The communist regime was abolished, and the establishment of a parliamentary democracy was proclaimed. In 1991, the Bulgarian National Assembly adopted the new Constitution of the country. Bulgaria declared itself a single-national, unitary state , announced the state flag as the national flag, and on March 3,1878, the day of the signing of the Preliminary Peace Treaty of San Stefano (which specified the annexation of Macedonia to the projected great Bulgarian state), declared a public holiday.

The Constitution of Bulgaria nonnatively guarantees to every citizen of the country, except for Macedonians, individual civil and human rights, as well as the right to use his/her language “if the Bulgarian language is not his/her mother tongue” . This is how the foundations of the Bulgarian national doctrine and state strategy were set up. The task of drafting was undertaken, as always, by the vanguard of Bulgarian politics, Bulgarian science, united in the Scientific Center for Bulgarian National Strategy.

In 1997 and 1998, Bulgaria published its National Doctrine in the 21st century (in two parts; total of 200 pages). The first part (published in 1997) entitled: Foundation of the Bulgarian National Doctrine . The second part (published in 1998) is entitled: National Strategic Programs”.

The Bulgarian National Doctrine: “Bulgaria in the 21st century” establishes the policy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the entire century, in accordance with the “officially accepted” views and principles of the historical aspirations, perspectives and goals of the Bulgarian nation and the way to achieve the national ideal .

With the Bulgarian National Strategic Program (as an operational part of the national doctrine), the means and forms for the protection of the Bulgarian national community and its spiritual unity are indicated, creating a unique Bulgarian spiritual space, creating a Bulgarian lobby in several countries in the world. The task of the National Strategic Program is to determine the status of the Bulgarian ethnic territory and ethno-cultural space based on history, language, science, culture, religious belief, traditions and the way of life.

The Bulgarian ethnic territory includes the whole of Macedonia, therefore the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, through tabular indicators of the territory and the number of the Bulgarian population in the years: 1878, 1928, 1990 and 1998. In 1990, the following data are presented: Bulgarians in Bulgaria 7,500,000, Bulgarians in the Republic of Macedonia 1,400,000, Bulgarians under foreign rule: in Aegean Macedonia – 200,000, in Albania 60,000, in the Western Provinces (Serbia) 105,000, etc.

For 1998, the following double indicators are given, according to the official data of the states and the data of the Scientific Center for Bulgarian National Strategy. According to the official data of the states for 1998, there were: Bulgaria – 8,000,000, in the Republic of Macedonia 1,400,000, in Yugoslavia – 26,922, in Croatia – 80,000, in Slovenia 10,000, in Bosnia 1,900. There is no data for the Bulgarians in Greece and Albania.

According to the data of the Bulgarian Scientific Center for Bulgarian National Strategy, the number of Bulgarians by country was: in Bulgaria 8,000,000, Bulgarians in the Republic of Macedonia 1,400,000, Bulgarians in Yugoslavia over 300,000, Bulgarians in Croatia 80,000, Bulgarians in Slovenia 10,000, Bulgarians in Bosnia and Herzegovina – 2,000, Bulgarians in Greece over 250,000*’Bulgarians in Albania over 100,000 and so on.

The Bulgarian strategy in relations with Greece, (according to the presented number of Bulgarians in Greece) is:

1. Bulgaria firmly and uncompromisingly should put before Greece the question of recognizing the Bulgarian national minority in Aegean Thrace and Macedonia.

2. Greece should recognize the right to self- determination of the Bulgarian Muslims in Eastern Rhodopes.

3. To ensure freedom of speech and the right to speak their native language to all Bulgarians in Greece as well as to maintain contacts with their relatives in Bulgaria.

4. Bulgaria should advocate for the opening of Bulgarian schools and worship in the Bulgarian language in areas with a compact Bulgarian population

5. Bulgaria should ensure media coverage of White Sea Thrace and Macedonia with a compact Bulgarian population.
The number of “Bulgarians” in Albania according to the data of Albanian officials (referring to the former and current president of Albania Dr. Sali Berisha) is about 60,000, but according to the Bulgarian Scientific Center for Bulgarian National Strategy, there are about 100,000. Bulgaria has been active since 1989 in organizing them into Bulgarian organizations. In Tirana and Durres, native organizations of Bulgarians have already been created.13
Modest figures are presented for the Bulgarians in Yugoslavia. The number of Bulgarians in Yugoslavia also includes the Macedonians in the Gora area of Kosovo. It was said that today they declare themselves as Bulgarians.

For the Bulgarians in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is noted that they are Bulgarians from Vardarska ie the Republic of Macedonia. During the time of the former FNR Yugoslavia, they were registered as “Yugoslavs” or “Macedonians”. Thus, according to official data in 1990, in Croatia there were about 80,000 Macedonians, in Slovenia about 10,000 Macedonians, in Bosnia and Herzegovina” about 1,900 “Macedonians. Those data gave grounds to consider that there are tens of thousands of citizens with Bulgarian ethnic roots in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. For the implementation of the Bulgarian strategy defined in this way, it was particularly important for Bulgaria to use the international support of Croatia, Slovenia and their equal interest in protecting the national rights of theirs nationals and Bulgarians in SR Yugoslavia and in the Republic of Macedonia.

The Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonians are treated as Bulgarian ethnic territory, that is, an integral part of the Bulgarian nation. In the explanation it is said that the population of the Republic of Macedonia until 1944 “always demonstrated their belonging to the Bulgarian nation”. In 1945, the Republic of Macedonia was created within the FNR of Yugoslavia, on the basis of militant anti- Bulgarian Macedonianism.” The Yugoslav Communist Party ordered creation of “Macedonian nation” and “Macedonian language. After the state independence, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia continued the old Yugoslav policy of entire confrontation with Bulgaria.

The recognition of the “Macedonian language” and the “Macedonian nation” was a condition for the development of interstate relations. Those requests assumed “territorial claims against Bulgaria and Greece.” In the explanation of the thesis, it is stated that accepting the existence of the Macedonian language in the Pirian area” meant nothing else but giving legitimacy to the territorial aspirations of Skopje.

The Bulgarian approach towards the Republic of Macedonia, presented as the operational state program, consists of the following:

1. The Bulgarian state should clearly and firmly present the inability to recognize the existence of the Macedonian language and Macedonian nation, different from the Bulgarian in front of the world and diplomatic circles.

2. The Bulgarian state should lead a policy of securing and protecting the rights of self- determination of the Macedonian Bulgarians.

3. Bulgaria should raise the issues of full application of the European standards for the national rights of the Bulgarians in the Republic of Macedonia: freedom of speech, right to self- determination, right to join in (Bulgarian) national parties and organizations, right to an access to information from Bulgarian sources….

4. The Bulgarian state should organize and implement a wide coverage of Bulgarian history, language, tradition and the Bulgarian system.

The operationalization of the Strategy:

A) The Bulgarian National Television should provide a signal that will cover the territory of the Republic of Macedonia.

B) The Bulgarian National Radio program should cover the entire territory of the Republic of Macedonia.

C) Bulgarian printed editions should give complete resistance to all slanders and falsifications by the media of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as by everyone in Bulgaria and abroad who serve other people’s interests.

The Bulgarian state should finance the activity of the Macedonian Scientific Institute and the International Institute in Sofia for systematic research and publication of documents and papers on the Macedonian issue. In this way, the world will have enough evidence for the baseless claims of the ruling pro-Serbs circles in the Republic of Macedonia.

D) To publish a newspaper and magazine dedicated to the history and life of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia with Bulgarian ethnic roots. They should be distributed free of charge.

5. Constitutional and legal provisions should be adopted and changed and this will gradually equalize the rights of Bulgarians who live in the Republic of Macedonia with the rights of Bulgarian citizens.

6. Bulgaria should introduce facilitating conditions for gaining the Bulgarian citizenship for Macedonian Bulgarians

7. The Bulgarian state should provide scholarships for all young people from the Republic of Macedonia who will apply in Bulgaria. To work on the removal of customs duties on goods produced in the Republic of Macedonia.

8. The Bulgarian state should increase its presence in the Republic of Macedonia by investment and participation in privatization.

9. For the Macedonian products, market should be provided in Bulgaria, by initiating the activity of the “Bulgarian- Macedonian” trade and the industrial chamber.

10. Spreading scientific contacts, providing free specializations to their scientists and professors at Bulgarian universities and scientific institutes.

11. Developing cultural ties by organizing gatherings, holidays, festivals, visiting writers, musicians, ensembles, etc.

12. Strengthening sports ties.

13. Increasing the number of Bulgarian tourists in the Republic of Macedonia in order to establish and spread family ties between the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Bulgaria.

14. Creating conditions for the establishment of normal relations and cooperation between the Orthodox churches in Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia.

15. Organizing and holding meetings and discussions of intellectuals from both sides on the issues of common interest.

16. Expansion of transport links between the two sides.2”

It is more than clear that Bulgaria’s strategy in this 21st century (by applying all available means and forces of the Bulgarian state and institutions, by mobilizing the entire Bulgarian nation) is:

1. International non- recognition of the existence of the Macedonian people, nation and language and accepting that it is a Bulgarian population, therefore also a character of the state of the Republic of Macedonia, under the motto: “One nation (Bulgarians), two states” (Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia).

2. Amendment of the Constitution and laws and conveniences of all kinds to allow as many Macedonians as possible to obtain Bulgarian citizenship and to join the Bulgarian nation.

3. With organized systematic propagandist activity in the Republic of Macedonia, in the neighboring countries, wherever the Macedonian people and others live, and throughout the world with Macedonian national communities, to develop Bulgarian national feeling, regenerating Bulgaria, integrating into the Bulgarian nation and creating unique Bulgarian national spiritual and cultural space.

4. Support and cooperation of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church for the realization of the unifying and spiritual mission among Bulgarians outside Bulgaria.

5. Protection of the integrity of the Bulgarian nation. Struggle against the denationalization of the Bulgarians, ’’decisive opposition to the attempts to create Macedonian, Pomaska, Shopska and other pseudonyms”.

6. Creation of a state body with the participation of Bulgarians from beyond the border that will plan, organize and coordinate the work of all state institutions for the protection of the spiritual unification of Bulgarians in the world.28 All this in the function of realizing a projected new great role” of Bulgaria in the Balkans and in the wider region, as a link between the Western- Christian civilization of the United Europe and the Eastern Islamic, Asian civilization. The Bulgarian state leadership has shown political wisdom and diplomatic skill to take advantage of the country’s geographical location. It can be considered that the Bulgarian policy based on the Bulgarian national doctrine is accepted by the EU and tolerated by the USA only because of the non- strategic position of Bulgaria in the Black Sea region. Bulgaria became a member of NATO and the EU even though it did not meet the basic conditions for admission. That is the only rational explanation why Bulgaria, even as a member of the EU, does not apply its standards for the rights of national minorities. It refuses to recognize the Macedonian national minority and to register the Macedonian political parties in the Pirian part of Macedonia.

In Bulgaria, even after the removal of the communist totalitarian regime and the establishment of a democratic parliamentary system, there has been no change in the policy of the Bulgarian state and in the position of Bulgarian science (except for individuals) towards Macedonia and the Macedonians. Denial of the Macedonian people, nation and language, and thus the existence of the Macedonian national minority, continues. The long- term strategy for realizing the Bulgarian national ideal established in the Bulgarian National Doctrine is being systematically implemented.

Mihajlo Minoski